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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Breakfast Smoothies (or "ice cream" for later)

This is one of my most favorite low carb treats. It's not super low carb, but it's perfectly fine for those who are in later phases of their chosen plans or in maintenance.

I used to buy fresh berries and then freeze them on a cookie sheet. Once frozen (or nearly frozen), I'd transfer them into bags. You know what? Berries are EXPENSIVE. I'll get fresh when on sale, but otherwise, I've moved on to getting frozen berries. Sometimes it can be a little tricky to find unsweetened frozen berries, but one of my local chain stores does carry them (and even has organic varieties!).

I'll alternate between raspberry (my favorite), blackberry, or triple berry - raspberry, blackberry, and blueberry. Sometimes I'll mix them. Sometimes I'll have a smoothie. Sometimes I'll save this for at night and have ice cream. And sometimes, I'll even make popsicles out of this! Very easy base for some really tasty treats!


Berry Ice Cream/Smoothies/Popsicles


  • 1 cup frozen berries

  • 1/4 cup heavy cream

  • sweetener to taste

  • (optional) 1 scoop protein powder (I use Optimum Nutrition Any Whey)


Place frozen berries in a food processor (I use my mini prep processor. If you have a large food processor, I'd recommend using the smaller work bowl fitted with the smaller steel blade). Pulse until you have a bowl full of small crumbles.

Add in your sweetener (you can use whatever you like. My sweetener of choice is called Ideal, and is xylitol based). I generally use 2 teaspoons. If you are using any protein powder, now would be the time to add it in. This is an EASY way to incorporate some extra protein into your diet if you're lacking in that department. The Any Whey protein I use is really tasteless. I'll be posting up PLENTY more recipes for you to use this in as this blog continues. :)

Once your sweetener and whey powder is added, give this a few pulses.

Next, add in your heavy cream. Start with a few short pulses, to get this started. After about 10, you can leave your processor in the on setting while this blends. You may need to stop it and knock down the sides. If the mixture is too thick, add a touch more cream. After everything incorporates, this will be the consistency of soft serve ice cream.

Now - if you are wanting ice cream, you can stop here! This will be more than enough for 2 servings, so share it with someone. :) If you'd like to make popsicles, simply spoon this into molds! I like to make 2 batches and make layered pops with raspberry and blackberry! YUM! This will freeze solid, so unfortunately you can't really keep any of your leftover ice cream unless it's in pop form.

If you want to make this into a smoothie, simply add a bit of water to thin it out enough for it to go through a straw. Easy as pie!

This makes a LOT of smoothie. A party cup sized smoothie. This is for sure a meal replacement type item and not just a snack. One of these will keep me full and happy until it's time for lunch.

Nutritional breakdown (including whey powder):

Carbs - 18.2g (Net Carbs - 10.1g)
Protein - 19.7g
Fat - 22.8g
Fiber - 8.1 g
Calories - 338

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